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Pelican Rapids Area Economic Development Corporation

The Pelican Rapids Area Economic Development Corporation (PRAEDC) is a non-profit corporation formed by individuals, businesses, and government from Pelican Rapids and the surrounding area. The corporation administers a local loan pool and works closely with federal, state, and local governments to bring together people and resources to spur economic growth. 

Our Mission

Our mission is to promote economic growth by pro-actively supporting business, industry, and services. We want to enhance the quality of life through enjoyment and promotion of the natural beauty within the Heart of the Lakes of Otter Tail County.

The following items are ways we work to accomplish this mission:

  • Maintain strong communication and links with the Pelican Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce, and the City of Pelican Rapids, the City of Erhard, and surrounding townships.
  • Maintain strong communication with area businesses in order to attract time, talents, and financial support.
  • Develop an inventory and maintain records detailing land and buildings available.
  • Develop a comprehensive plan which outlines short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals, objectives, and initiatives within northwest Otter Tail County.
  • Gather, maintain, and enhance information regarding sources of funds including grants, personal and business contributions, gifts, endowments, and special funds to be utilized in the activities of the development corporation.
  • Gather information regarding development efforts of other communities within our region in order to employ successful strategies in the development corporation within the Pelican Rapids area.